Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yes. I existed in the '90s too. Congratulations.

So I've been seeing a -lot- of stuff lately filled with nostalgia for the '90s. "Like this if you remember this. Share this if you know this character. When I was a kid, these things happened." Blah blah blah.

So you existed in the '90s. Great. You're not the only one. I promise. There are literally billions of people, I'm sure, who remember the exact same things from the exact same decade. It's not a feat.

Next decade, we'll have teenagers saying "Oh, you know, it was so awesome when I was a kid. We were attacked by terrorists and were locked in a war for more than ten years as a result. All of our entertainment was in a mach-speed downward spiral, too."

Yes, child. I remember. Just because you remember too, doesn't make you special. It just means you have an average memory span. Which I suppose, in a decade, will be a bit of a feat, seeing as most kids seem to have something wrong with them that makes it difficult for them to pay attention. (See: Lackofdisciplineitis.)

So no. I will not like, share, comment on, or anything else, your '90s-related post. It's just a desperate cry for attention, and I'm too lazy to care about your need for that attention.

"Like this, email it, print it out, share it with your friends and family, post it on every neighborhood telephone pole, and then eat a copy of the printout if you knew how to blow in the cartridge."

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